Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We are the Mountain, not the Weather

"At the mountain God spoke to you face to face from the heart of the fire." Deuteronomy 5:4

We are the mountain...Not the Weather

"When the mind is brought to stillness we see that we are the mountain and not the changing patterns of weather appearing on the mountain. We are the awareness in which thoughts and feelings (what we take to be ourselves) appear like so much weather on Mount Zion."-Martin Laird Into the Silent Land

Life is mountainous. There are many kinds of mountains. And God moves them. Whatever mountain you face and wherever you are in relation to that mountain, God is there. God is speaking to you. You may find yourself at the base of a mountain you need to climb and you can't see anything but the mountain in front of you. You know the climb will be intense and exhausting. The task is so daunting that you want to give up before you even start. You don't quite know how to conquer the task before you or even where to begin. In that place, just take a step. Then take another one.

Maybe you are midway up your mountain, but you have run out of food supplies to fuel your body onward. The exhaustion is overwhelming. Has all your work to get as far as you have gotten left you stranded in a helpless, vulnerable desperation?

Maybe you have reached the summit and are gazing at the vast expanse below you and all around you. How many other mountains there are! What will you do next? Do you want to descend your mountain only to climb a new one? Is the view from the top of your mountain disappointing? Scary? Lonely? Fulfilling? You can only rest at the summit for so long before further action is required and that means you must make a decision on what to do next.

Life is endless climbing. We climb, we achieve, we look, we decide what to do next. We arise and we descend and we do so with our own two feet.

Remember that God moves the mountains. God speaks to us at the mountain.

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